Count Me In!

Never Stress About Teacher Job Search + Interviews Ever Again!

A Step-By-Step Course for Elementary Teachers To Gain Invaluable Confidence + Keep Their Free Time


The Teacher Job Search Academy has everything you need to enter the Teacher Job Search + Interview Process with confidence


You deserve to have a job that you LOVE. A job where you feel valued and respected. 


I'm ready to land my dream job!

Never Stress  About Teacher Job Search + Interviews Ever Again!

A Step-By-Step Course for Elementary Teachers To Gain Invaluable Confidence + Keep Their Free Time


The Teacher Job Search Academy has everything you need to enter the Teacher Job Search + Interview Process with confidence! 

You deserve to have a job that you LOVE. A job where you feel valued and respected. 

Count Me In!

Does Any of This Sound Familiar?

You know you need to find a better-fit school but you think, "It would just be easier to stay here", because you don't even know where to start your job search.
You KNOW you're a great teacher, but can't seem to get hired at the best schools because your interview skills need work.
You're tired of feeling intense anxiety thinking about your upcoming interview.


You've been teaching for 10+ years and feel "out of date" on current interview best practices.
You've spent countless hours studying interview question after interview question and you still shut down with nerves during your interview.
Every time you research "teacher job search tips" or "teacher interview questions", it's clear that the resources were not created by an educator. 

If it does, then you already know what a headache it can be losing your most valuable asset...

Your Time!

Enter... The Teacher Job Search Academy

I've Been There And I Get It!

Are you stressed out, overworked, and haven't updated your resume in years? Do you *KNOW* that you need to find a better-fit school, but the idea of job searching feels insanely overwhelming? 

TJSA Helps You Eliminate All Of That! No More Stressful Job Hunting!

TJSA is the first course created completely FOR teachers BY a teacher to give you the confidence and skills you need to find and land your dream teaching job. Because let me tell you, you deserve it more than anyone.


This means you will have your Summer Break back to spend time doing the things that are important to YOU (not stressing over your job hunt).




The Teacher Job Search Academy Has  EVERYTHING You Need To Find + Land Your Dream Teaching Job With Confidence!

Say No More, I'm In!

The Teacher Job Search Academy Includes:



Information about the academy, joining the Facebook group, and more.

$20 value


Here you will learn how to get started looking for a job!

  • An introduction activity
  • Navigating school & district websites
  • Rocking online applications

$75 value


You guessed it- this module is all about creating cover letters and resumes (and how to get yours to stand out from the crowd.)

  • Cover letter creation
  • Resume creation
  • And lots lots more!

$150 value


Reaching out to schools can be nerve-wracking. That is why, in this module, I share with you my sure-fire method of reaching out to school admin and HR.


$200 value


This module is going to help you feel like an interview ROCK STAR!

  • How to prepare for your teacher interview
  • How to answer different types of interview questions
  • What to bring to your interview
  • Rocking demo lessons
  • And lots more!

$200 value


But what about the day of your interview? Don't worry. We cover all about that in this module.

  • How to portray confidence during your interview
  • What to do if you get stuck...
  • Navigating interview day
  • And more!

$200 value


So, now the interview is over... now what?

  • Sending a follow-up email
  • Accepting and rejecting a job offer

$120 value


Are you finishing up student teaching and feeling lost? Don't worry one bit. This module will walk you through the end of student teaching all the way through interview season.

$95 value


Detailed directions and videos on how to create an online teaching portfolio through Google Slides and Google Sites, as well as multiple Google Slides templates ($10 Value) that are ready to use.

$45 Total Value


Get my BEST SELLING teacher resume starter pack for FREE (along with priceless tips on how to use it).

$20 value


Access to my best-selling teacher cover letter starter pack.

$20 value



Use these motivational posters as wallpapers for your computer, phone backgrounds, or print them out to keep you going on challenging days. (These were made especially for the academy- no one else has access to them!)

$15 value

Join TJSA Now!

All The Tools You Need To Rock The Teacher Job Search + Interview Process

Inside the Teacher Job Search Academy, you'll learn tips + tricks that have helped thousands of teachers find and land their dream job (without the stress).

I believe EVERY teacher deserves to work at a school where they feel valued and respected, and by joining the Teacher Job Search Academy, you'll be closer than ever to that new dream teaching job.

It is time to take away the guesswork and the unknown. TJSA will walk you through step-by-step the systems and processes you need to ROCK the teacher job search process, feel CONFIDENT, and get one step closer to finding and landing your dream teaching job. 

I Want This!

What Teachers Are Saying:

“I legitimately had no idea where to start after graduation, and I am SO thankful that I found Jessica. Working with her on my resume, cover letter, and ESPECIALLY interview prep was a GAME CHANGER for me. She was so helpful, so knowledgeable, and is THE reason I landed my dream teaching job so quickly.”

- Isabel K., TJSA Member

"Jessica is the best, she truly helped me prepare for and feel confident for my teaching interview and teaching demonstration. Her coaching supported me in getting hired as a first-year teacher! I highly recommend her."

- Jennifer K., Coaching Student

"This course was so comprehensive and easy to use! I really appreciate all of the resources and examples, no matter what I was working on it felt like I had everything I needed from beginning to end. Jessica’s videos are so warm and welcoming, and I'm excited to say... I got a teaching job! ”

- Lydia L., TJSA Member

"Good Afternoon Jessica,
I just wanted to give you an update on my demo lesson. It went really well thanks to all your useful tips and advice. I have now been offered a position teaching Kindergarten. Thank you so much for all your help. I truly appreciate it!" 

- Jamira, Coaching Student

"I just wanted to let you know that both interviews I had after our teaching call went really well! I was offered both jobs and accepted a 3rd grade teaching position yesterday for next year!!:)"

- Olivia, TJSA Member

WOOWWOWOWOOW! This is amazing. Highly recommend. Exactly what I needed, and I feel so much more confident now. After using this course and Teach to Love Learning's templates, I got 4 principals to e-mail me back.

- TJSA Buyer

I'm Ready to Start!

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm In- Let's Do This Together!

Payment Options

3 Payments of


Most Affordable

Membership Includes

  • Researching Schools 
  • Cover Letter & Resume
  • Reaching Out to Schools
  • Interview Preparation
  • Mastering the Teacher Interview
  • After the Interview
  • Especially for Student Teachers
  • Resume Starter Pack
  • Cover Letter Starter Pack
  • Creating an Online Teaching Portfolio 
  • Teacher Portfolio Templates
  • Lifetime Access
  • Peace of Mind (Priceless)
Register Now

One Time Payment


Biggest Savings

Membership Includes

  • Researching Schools 
  • Cover Letter & Resume
  • Reaching Out to Schools
  • Interview Preparation
  • Mastering the Teacher Interview
  • After the Interview
  • Especially for Student Teachers
  • Resume Starter Pack
  • Cover Letter Starter Pack
  • Creating an Online Teaching Portfolio 
  • Teacher Portfolio Templates
  • Lifetime Access
  • Peace of Mind (Priceless)
Register Now

The Problem

Job searching is hard. College doesn't teach you how to write a resume or a cover letter. And what? Interviews? How are you supposed to prepare for those? You can go online and do a Google Search...  maybe watch a few YouTube videos, but there is nothing out there to completely walk you through the entire process in a quick and simple way. (Not to mention, none of the resources that pop up were actually created by a teacher, and it shows.)

So, I'm here to change that.

Enter... The Teacher Job Search Academy

The first course created completely FOR teachers BY a teacher to give you the confidence and skills you need to find and land your dream teaching job. Because let me tell you, you deserve it more than anyone.  


How TJSA Will Change the Game

After joining The Teacher Job Search Academy, you will:

  • Feel CONFIDENT about the teacher job search & interview process
  • Take out all of the guesswork and unknowns
  • Have support along your entire job search journey
  • Be one step closer to landing your dream teaching job
I'm in!